About us

We at Twinkle Toes believe that every child is unique in their own way and the schools’ job is to provide a nurturing and stimulating environment to uncover that uniqueness in each being. We also aspire to inculcate core values, attributes and skills essential for making children confident and active citizens of tomorrow in a democratic society.

We at Twinkle Toes believe in excellent quality childcare coupled with excellent education and unconditional love in an environment which is creative and fun but also “homey”. We aim to facilitate our children by providing learning opportunities within every moment of a child’s day spent with us and a good support system to our parents and families. We hope to provide a “one stop” school from Play group to Grade V with a solid foundation built on the sound achievement in all major learning areas of a child’s school life including language, gross and fine motor, cognitive, emotional and social development.

Twinkle Toes hopes to grow from strength to strength in education and care. We are constantly improving on our skills and learning and encouraging all of our staff to be as highly qualified and educated as they can be on many different levels, including education and childcare, work place relationships, consumer rights and protection, safety and health and many more. We hope to be a household name in leading education institutions in Kathmandu valley and will hopefully expand and move into other areas too.

Twinkle Toes believes in open and honest communication at all times with our parents and families. We know that by building supportive relationships with our children’s families we will have the basis necessary to grow well balanced and confident little people who can go on to Lower Secondary School ready for the next phase of their lives. We communicate through a number of channels.


Our Mission

Our mission is to provide an exciting curriculum that considers the educational, mental, spiritual, physical and social development of a child through balanced involvement in academic, religious, cultural and sporting activities.


Our Aims

  • To provide a safe, happy and welcoming environment where all children can meet their physical, mental, social, educational and spiritual potential.
  • To acknowledge individuality and provide equal opportunities through a differentiated curriculum to facilitate personalized learning.
  • To encourage children’s creativity by providing them with vast array of opportunities in extra curriculum activities like art, dance, drama, music and sport.
  • To foster a school ethos where children feel valued, respected and a sense of pride.
  • To develop the child confidence, skills, knowledge and attitudes towards learning which will make them independent and self-disciplined.
  • To promote community cohesion and harmony by fostering respect and tolerance of other races, religions and culture.
  • The school aims to work in close partnership with parents and professionals at school to ensure a holistic approach.


We respect Child Right and believe in the values of “Every Child Matters”- Children’s Plan Agenda – UK

  1. Staying Safe
  2. Physical and Mental Well Being
  3. Achieving through enjoyment
  4. Making a positive contribution
  5. Achieve economic and well being